Thursday, September 7, 2017

Going over last week’s revisions, it occurred to me this (September 9th) is our last meeting before Finals. What are Finals?

Finals are everything you have done for this class, revised, edited and proofread to the nth degree.  The copy deck (A1.V6-A6.V2-3) should include it all, even if I have previously marked it FINAL.  That’s all, folks!

Be prepared for questions.  Some I will ask.  Some you’d best ask yourself before you turn in your work for the term:

      Have I read Sway?  Can I answer questions on it?

      Have I read Steal Like an Artist?  Can I answer questions on it?

Is my writing active?

     Do I use “is” (in all its forms) and “and” too much?  Can I recognize them as a strong hint I         need to work on my structure?

Do my lines run downhill, weighted by downer words and end preps?  Trailing energy?

Do I use too many articles?  Do I use the best articles?  Have I even thought about it?

Do I change tones when I mention product/features/benefits/client?

Do I integrate the idea of product/client early on?

Do I have an introductory line/paragraph/or two I really don’t need?

Is that a headline?  Or is that a cliché?
 I    If it’s a cliché, have I given it a kiru?

Is that headline blind?

 Am I selling Category or am I selling Brand?

 Or am I rationalizing?

 Did I read my headlines and body copy aloud?

 Did I listen when someone else ready my headlines and body copy out loud?

 Did I trust spellcheck?

 Does the paragraphing/spacing work?  Does it add to the tone and isolate important

      Is that verb active?

 Is that verb weak?

 Did I check everything against my personal Kamikaze Copy Sins list?

 Did I check everything against the entire Kamikaze Copy Sins list?

 What other questions, issues, asides, hidden lessons have we discussed this term I'd best       not forget?

      Once again, I bow to the devils fighting between Word and blogger.  I apologize for spacing, alignment, etc.        losses -  Mercury may have just turned Direct.  Obviously, no one told whatever program lost publishing this.

          Once again, this entry and everything included in this blog from the beginning is (c)2017, Doreen Dvorin/KamikazeCreative(R)

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